Livres anciens à Barcelona


Fernel, Jean (1497 - 1558).

De Proportionibus Libri Duo. Prior, qui de simplici proportione est, & magnitudinum & numerorum tum simplicium tum fractorum rationes edocet: Posterior, ipsas proportiones comparat: earumque rationes colligit.


París: Simon Colines, 1528.

Folio (31 x 21 cm). 4 hojas, 24 folios. Signaturas A4, B-E6. Ejemplar lavado y con una corte reparado en el margen del folio 23. Buenos márgenes. Encuadernación de respeto en papel de guardas. Conservado en una caja protectora.

Primera edición. Este rarísimo libro "is one of the best of the sixteenth-century treatises on the mediaeval proportion. It follows the Boethian treatment, as seen also in the work of Bradwardin" en palabras de Smith, Rara Arithmetica, p. 157. Para Schreiber "Fernel (1497-1558), before making a name for himself in medicine, was first attracted by the mathematical sciences, as evidenced by his first three publications -- of which this is the third, and all three of which were issued by Simon de Colines: De Proportionibus was preceded by Monalosphaerium, 1527, and Cosmotheoria, 1528. Fernel received his M.D. degree in 1530 and became a very influential physician through his numerous writings; he became physician to Catherine de Médicis, whose barrenness he cured, and eventually was appointed chief physician to King Henri II."


Bibliographie: Renouard, Colines, 117. Sherrington, Fernel, p. 189 (3.C). Schreiber 35.


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