Libros antiguos en Barcelona

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Holbein, Hans (ca.1497-1543).

Historiarum veteris instrumenti icones ad vivum expressae.


Lión: Melchor y Gaspar Treschel para Juan Frellon, 1538.

8º (17,5 x 12 cm.) 48 hojas. Ilustrado con 92 grabados xilográficos originales de Hans Holbein, 4 en formato vertical y 88 en horizontal. Ejemplar rubricado, con muy buen papel y con muy buenos márgenes; tiene una pequeña restauración en el margen externo de algunas hojas centrales y discretas manchas ocasionales de antiguo. Encuadernación moderna en chagrín azul, de estilo jansenista y con los contraplanos dorados.

Primera edición de la célebre serie de grabados de Hans Holbein sobre imágenes del Antiguo Testamento. "First edition, first issue. Except for the four smaller blocks from the Dance of Death series at the start, all the blocks are of Old Testament subjects. They correspond with the Giunta-Sacon series which appeared in Pierre Bailly's 1521 Bible; another model may have been Gueynard's Lyons Bible of 1520. Rapidly going into sucessive editions, the Icones changed the nature of Bible illustration at Lyons, leading to the publishing ventures of Jean de Tournes with the cuts of Bernard Salomon and Guillaume Rouille and becoming widely imitated throughout France, Germany and the Netherlands. For Holbein showed supreme skill at placing grand spiritual narrative within a compact domestic setting, thereby challenging the popularity of classical themes. The preface by François Frellon on the title verso urges the reader to reject the images of goddesses such as Venus and Diana in favour of the "sacrosanctas Icones". [Mortimer]


Bibliografía: Baudrier v, página 154. Brunet iii, 252. Mor¡imer, Harvard French, 276.


Precio: 15000€


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